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Salutations Media Group

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Panorama Maker 6 Serial Number -

the camera body, shutter and lens assembly are made of the same celluloid type and have the same lens markings. the lens aperture window in the middle has the following values: 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/4. there is also a mark on the right side of the lens with the following values: 5x, 5.6, 5.6, 6.3, 8, 8.7, 8.7. with this lens information, the aperture setting can be estimated. the camera's shutter speed can be assessed from the settings of the lens diaphragm, by dividing the lens mark by the number of stops of aperture.

Panorama maker 6 serial number

the "source" is the shutter speed set by the lens maker. for mamiya's lenses, this is the normal value, while for canon's zweizylinder-baus (zb), the value of the zb lens maker is used, as canon lenses set the shutter according to the table above. the reason canon and mamiya use zb as a standard is because zb are easy to understand and are widely used, especially in the fields of photography and cinematography. for example, zb means three shots in a 1/2 second by aperture (1/2-stop), five shots in a second by aperture (1/2-stop), and so on up to a stop or 1/4-stop, where 10 shots in a second by aperture is equivalent to a full stop. zb has only seven values. note that the aperture setting is equivalent to the diaphragm opening of the lens.

the combination of the aperture setting and the exposure settings determine the shutter speed. the following chart shows the relationships between the aperture setting, shutter speed, exposure, and iso settings:

this is the full package, and includes photomatix 5.0 with all of its original presets and features. what is more, unlike some of the other packages in this list, the download includes no added extras like a video tutorial or demo images. the only extra is to download the pixar faces set which you can select/deselect in the photomatix settings by clicking on the 'download' button in the menu bar.


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